139 thecommunityconnections.com 845-371-2222 | January 8, ‘25 TOPIC #126 - WHITE HAIR I don’t have a solution, but I know that if the beard turns grey early – before the peyos – it’s a sign that they could accomplish a lot and add a lot of positive to the world. Csay Topic #129 TOPIC #126 - WHITE HAIR This can be caused by low mineral levels, especially the mineral copper. Supplementing this mineral can help slow this down and prevent hair from turning white. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP My child had recurring strep that went on for well over a year. He was running out of antibiotic options and being that his tonsils looked normal, he wasn’t a good candidate for a tonsillectomy. I started giving him Blis K12 probiotic daily and he’s been strep free for almost a year already b”H. It works by introducing good strep bacteria into the upper respiratory system which overpower the bad strep bacteria. We use the BLIS Probiotics brand (blue box). It does contain traces of milk, so ask your own shayla. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP I know people who saw a lot of success with this using the raindrops method using essential oils. TOPIC #124 - ELECTRONIC KITCHEN GADGETS I found that some of the cheaper parchment papers used to line the Betty Crocker cause a cheap chemical smell. I find that when I use the palisades paper, even though it’s a bit more expensive, I did not have this issue. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP I want to comment that many times, people don’t realize that they don’t want to give antibiotics for strep, but they allow the children to go to school and cheder, which puts children with a weak immune system at risk of catching the infection. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP You have to be sure to take probiotics along with the strep medication, which will be”H help it should not come back again. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP Two of my children had strep five times in a row, and I tried many natural things that did not work. Finally, I took a Sefer Tehillim, said a few kapitlech, then took upon myself a kabbalah in tznius. There was no strep in my house for the next year. Even now, Baruch Hashem, it is a rare happening. TOPIC #126 - WHITE HAIR I want to know about white hair in a child as well. I realized some white hairs on an eleven-year-old boy. I’m wondering if it comes from a vitamin deficiency or something like that, and if there’s something to do about it. TOPIC #125 - RECURRING STREP My doctor uses a new machine which gives the results immediately, and my child kept having strep. After a while, I requested an overnight test, and it was negative. Which means that the new machine showed a false positive. I want to make people aware that you can request the overnight strep if your doctor uses this machine to check if it is indeed strep. TOPIC #112 – SWEATER SEASON I want to make people aware that I tried a clipper once and it made holes on my sweater, so you have to be careful.