845-371-2222 | January 8, ‘25 6 I eagerly wait for them, in anticipation of the upcoming seasonal winter sale. I gloss through the pages, attracted, like a bee to nectar, by the bold red letters announcing the specials. I screen them for an overview on the discounts of the week, taking stock of the household items which I need to replenish, a thing which I steadily do from one sale to the next. I open the cabinets and check my supply on things like tissues, toilet paper, laundry detergent and other household necessities which are used up faster than they are produced. My squeaky shopping wagon draws attention as it drags behind me all the way to Uniprix, expecting that the bargains will fill it up to overflowing. I hope to return with plentiful supplies to last me until the next seasonal sale. If I shop really well, then I dare to dream that there might even be money left over for...other sales. I scout the isles, slowing to pause in front of the paper towels, a commodity of which I never have enough. The choices are stacked competitively, diverse not only with different companies but also in the sizes and content in which each one is packed. I count eight rolls in a pack on the shelf. I do not read all the wording, but by looking at the colorful print I understand the message. “Buy me! I am the most for your money!” Emblazoned on the plastic wrapping it states in clear letters that 8 equals 16. Which I assume means that though there are only eight rolls, I should celebrate that I am getting a gift of sixteen. It looks like eight whichever way I turn it, but being a believer in the written word I humbly accept that eight has expanded to sixteen (like my dress size), and don’t waste time questioning that if I turn it backwards would that mean that sixteen really was eight? As I am about to stretch out to throw it into the cart, I take a quick look at the surrounding products. I squint my eyes to read the prices and decipher if there is anything to be had better than eight which is really sixteen. I suddenly feel as if I have lost all my faculties, because it defies logic. In front of me is a bigger pack, which says The deluge of Uniprix fliers spill from the stuffed mailbox. 1+1= 2 NO MORE