JANUARY 29, ‘25 // www.israelbookshoppublications.com P: 732.901.3009 Tfutza Publications: 02.650.9400 Lehmanns: 0191.430.0333 Recent Releases BOOK & AUDIO COMICS VOL. 2 LAYALA LEARNS ABOUT LASHON HORAH - BOOK & READ-ALONG CD. Like the bestselling MiddosMan series, MiddosMalka is an exciting way to teach the concepts of middos and Torah values to young children, by combining fun stories, music, and rich, fullcolor illustrations. Kids will love the warm, relatable characters in these stories, and will eagerly ingest the real-life middos lessons that the stories bring out. BY ESTHER ORNSTEIN COMICS. For the second time, David Salah and the Mossad agents have managed to escape Alcatraz prison, where David was wrongly jailed. On the run from the Alcatraz prison guards, David and the Mossad agents take shelter in the home of a man named Sa’id... Get ready for some more steep roller coasters and hairpin turns in this second volume of the wildly popular, three-book Alcatraz series! BY RABBI AVRAHAM OHAYUN THE BEN ISH CHAI’S GUARANTEE AND OTHER STORIES ABOUT RAV YOSEF CHAIM, THE BEN ISH CHAI ZT”L. MASTER OF HIDDEN WORLDS AND OTHERA STORIES ABOUT RAV YITZCHAK KADURI ZT”L. Each is a collection of twentyfive inspirational and amazing stories. Prepare to be uplifted. Prepare to be blown away! BY RABBI AVRAHAM OHAYUN PRACTICAL HALACHOS FOR THE ERA OF THE THIRD BEIS HAMIKDASH. “A very important work, teaching us the practical halachos of Taharos that we’ll all need to know as soon as Mashicah comes. In my opinion, this sefer should be translated into all languages...” -FROM THE HASKAMAH OF HARAV YAAKOV FORCHHEIMER. WRITTEN BY RABBI SHLOMO BARUCH ALON A THOUGHT-PROVOKING COLLECTION OF TRUE AND FICTIONAL STORIES. Can you feel the desperation of Ratze’le, who thinks she’s engaged, hopes she’s engaged…but cannot really be sure? How about the conflict of Malky’s dilemma, when she is tasked with marketing a brand that is at odds with her ideals?... In this delightful collection of short stories BY SHAINDY WEISS you will do more than relate to and feel with the characters. You will also think... And sometimes, That’s Just the Think! A PRACTICAL QUIDE FOR EVERYDAY AND YEAR-ROUND. Music surrounds us, shapes our moods, and accompanies our celebrations and daily routines. But what does halachah say about the music we listen to, play, or sing? For the first time, “Music in Halachah” gathers all relevant halachic discussions in one accessible, comprehensive volume. From everyday scenarios to unique situations, this sefer offers practical guidance with extensive Hebrew sources. BY RABBI PINCHAS SHELBY A NOVEL. Mystery, suspicion, and intrigue fill the palace of Czar Arlavious. Why is Czar Dimitri so intent on his son gaining Czarevna Annalina’s hand in marriage? Who is behind the sudden edict to expel the Jews of Atka?... And throughout all the drama, Devorah, a young orphan from the Jewish community who, through a series of unfortunate events, has been thrust into the role of the Czarevna’s handmaiden, watches silently and wonders… Can she help out the Jews, in her position at the palace? Or will Dimitri’s diabolical plans play out before she even has the chance? BY MEIRA BERENDT THE MAKING OF A TORAH SCROLL: AN EPIC PRESENTATION FOR JEWISH FAMILLIES. Large coffeetable Size! 478 Stunning Pages! The Sefer Torah Encyclopedia is a book that belongs in every Jewish home, school, and synagogue. Filled with touching stories, practical halachos, fascinating information, and stunning pictures, the volume explores the 613th commandment of the Torah, incumbent upon every Jewish man: the mitzvah of writing a holy Torah scroll. BY RABBI MAIMON ELBAZ OF TORAH SHOWS 114