JANUARY 29, ‘25 // Uplifting classes Full-day trips Workshops KESHER SEMINARY+CAMP+TOURING LED BY MRS. S. BLUMING Principal of Bais Brocho High School Your Dream Come True! JULY 8 - AUGUST 19, 2025 Leil Iyuns Evening program Shabbosim in Bnei Brak and the North Reserve your spot! $6,500+ airfare REGISTRATION IN FULL SWING! Register by Tu B’Shvat to get $500 off! kesherseminary@gmail.com 929-722-1425 A project of Irgun Shiurai Torah Request an application by email: Meals and accommodations ד’’בס An outstanding 6-week summer program in Eretz Yisroel for heimishe girls, posthigh school and up. 132