JANUARY 29, ‘25 // TOPIC #132 - BAG BALAGAN About the bags, I wanted to say that I bought really pretty acrylic holders where you can put your bags, and it’s really simple to pull them out. They are sold according to the size of the bags, it’s really cute and really organized. I put these holders into my kitchen cabinet and it works amazingly. TOPIC #132 - BAG BALAGAN I wanted to share some information about bags. First of all, regarding shopping bags and even rain bonnets, Ikea sells a very perfect holder for that. It’s very affordable, costing about $3 or $4 each. It’s quite large and made of plastic. You can hang it up on the wall or on a door, and it features a big hole for easily accessing all of your shopping bags. It’s really cheap, affordable, and it looks nice too. It just works. Anyone who has tried it and purchased it finds it really amazing. As for bread bags, the best idea is to leave them in the box tied with tape. The end of the box has a cutout in a half-moon shape, similar to the kind found on tablecloth boxes, but much smaller, just an edge on the top of the box. This way, you can take out one bag at a time, and everything stays tightly packed in the box. This allows you to remove just one bag at a time as they were packaged. Cabinet Refresh Hello Csay Homemakers! It seems that, although short-sleeved t-shirts and summer gear is landing in stores around town, many of us Balabustes are still in our homey kitchens, using whatever’s left of the cozy winter to organize, clean, and refresh. Before we move away from the kitchen tips, (although it seems not everyone keeps their bags in the kitchen at all!) there is a general cabinet question that came in and seems to be applicable to many. How can you refresh a cabinet (or closet) in a used apartment that does not smell or perhaps look fresh? Before putting our own things inside, how can we make it look pretty, smell fresh, and feel like our own? Looking forward to hearing and sharing your tips and ideas! 150